Hotline Miami 2 Wrong Number

Searching for new games by the quality of their soundtrack has been a cool journey. I probably wouldn't have tried Hotline Miami if I hadn't sampled the killer beats before I DLed it on the Playstation Network a while back. I decided to pick up Hotline Miami 2 on PC.

The gameplay feels at home with the original except harder. The levels are less run-n-gun and more methodical. Using a PS4 Duelshock or Nintendo Pro Controller works just fine, and pressing the trigger to aim further ahead is criticial, as this time the bad guys can scope you out from pretty far away.

One time I got stuck in the forest because killing the final dood didn't trigger a completion. A couple times I was able to hit a guy through the wall with the baseball bat. It's all good though. If you haven't played the first Hotline Miami I recommend you start there, and if you want more then play number 2.